Keep Me Posted

Keep Me Posted  is a cozy action-adventure RPG where you play as the postmaster, whose job is to ensure everyone in the forest gets their mail delivered on time. This game features a fun yet challenging combat system that utilizes stamps to spice up and turn the tide of battle.

Keep Me Posted  is made in Unity and is available to play on Steam!

A small but brave mouse who took on the role of Cardigan Forest's postmaster. Holding his map in one hand and wearing a mail bag almost as big as himself, he'll stop at nothing to deliver letters to his customers and friends.

My Contributions

Meet the Postmaster!

I was responsible for the overall art direction and all 2D art including concept, illustration, UI, and animation. Some of my responsibilities include:

  • Designed all characters and props, and created turnarounds for 3D artist.

  • Illustrated key art and marketing posters.

  • Produced UI assets such as map, inventory menu, and title screen.

  • Animated mouse and enemy attack animation.

Check out more art I did for this game here!

Meet Granny Seesaw!

A wise eldritch god who takes the form of an old moose. Visit her at the outskirts of Cardigan Forest to seek advice or simply, to have some delicious (but suspicious) tea.

Explore Cardigan Forest

Explore Cardigan Forest, a world intermingled with warm vibes with a hint of eldritch, and help your good friend through tough times to maintain the safety of your home.